Todd Geib Death Details And Theories

The very strange death of 22 year old Todd Geib from Casnovia, Michigan has many people scratching their heads. The way he just vanished, and the way in which he was later found 21 days after he first went missing standing upright in a lake. It's all very odd. Please watch the video below from Melissa Richmond, where she goes over some of the core details of Todd's suspicious death.

Could his death be linked to the Smiley Face Killer(s). I put the "S" at the end of killers because if this case is linked to the Smiley Face Killers [SFK], I personally believe its not just one person, but a large group of individuals that operate possibly in cells who all work toward a common, twisted goal. If you want more details on this case, please take a look at the excellent Reddit post below, which has saved me some writing by conveniently listing a full breakdown of all the details.


I do tend to agree with the Reddit users conclusion on this case, where many of these deaths seem to follow the same pattern. "They appear to be abducted and returned to a body of water at the same location at a later date (because predicted levels of decomposition are not present) where they are presumed to be victims of a drowning. Toxicology reveals drugs in their system (whether GHB, high levels of antidepressants like Geib had, etc)."

The real question, is why the Police not looking into these cases more. There is tons of evidence in each case that points to foul play. Why are they not investigating. If the cases are linked, are the Killer(s) just too good at making these deaths look like an accident or a suicide in the eyes of the authorities, or is it Police laziness and incompetence.

I may write a post about the Smiley Face Killers on this blog in the future, with some theories as to who I think could be responsible for at least some of the strange deaths attributed to the Smiley Face Killers. But for now, the Todd Geib case has many mysterious circumstances that make his death hard to just pass off as an "accidental drowning", which is what authorities have ruled his death as.

But how can this be ruled a drowning when there was no water found in his lungs. It's all very weird, and I welcome your comments and theories. May Todd Rest In Peace. And I hope his family get the truth as to what really happened to him. A reopening of the case is long overdue.

#MysteriousDeaths #SFK #TheHuntForJustice #GamesOfTheElite #TheHunt #Sinsinawa #IlluminatesOfThanateros #UnknownMethodOfCommunication

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