Cindy James Unsolved Mysteries Episode

Cindy James Unsolved Mysteries Episode Number: That number is Season 3, Episode 18, and you can watch the full episode below. In my opinion, the death of Cindy James is still unsolved to this day. Although, I believe her cause of death has officially been ruled as an "unknown event". Very strange case. In my opinion this was murder, and the two prime suspects should be Cindy's ex-husband, Roy Makepeace, and Pat McBride. He was apparently a lover of Cindy's and was a Policeman involved in the investigation. Whoever killed Cindy has gotten away with it so far.

Listen to what Neal Hall (A reporter for the Vancouver Sun at the time) says about the surveillance of Cindy's house. He says that they (The Police) had 24 hour surveillance on her house for days on end. And when the surveillance was on her house nothing would happen. Could this be a sign that the officer who was her lover (Pat McBride) knew about the surveillance and that's why nothing happened during that time. 

Certainly seems plausible. He was an indsider after all, and would have all the information on what was happening with the case / surveillance, officers who were taking part in the stake out, the dates etc. Actually, just reading an update, and it turns out Pat McBride moved into Cindy's house while on the case, and would you believe it. Nothing happened while he was staying there.

Also, when the surveillance was taken off, the harassment / stalking started again. I hope the Police at the time, or even now if there are any police / detectives still looking into this case have considered this, because it seems pretty obvious that this would be an area well worth investigating.

Listen to a recorded phone call that Cindy received (and recorded)

Listen to The Phantom Stalker - The Cindy James Mystery (Interesting Podcast)

And maybe that is why Cindy didn't want to speak to anyone about what was going on. Perhaps she felt threatened because Pat McBride was a Police officer, a supposedly trusted upstanding pillar of the community, and she was being looked at as crazy woman who was making up lies. With no solid evidence to prove any crime against Pat McBride, who are people going to believe. 

No evidence can also be a clue. A police officer would know how cover his tracks and leave no evidence. If it was Pat McBride (I'm not saying it definitely was), he did a great job of making Cindy look like she was crazy and making it all up. Either way, what a bizarre case. I guess her death will remain a mystery, for now. 

Looking for the Unsolved Mysteries Allagash UFO episode? Click here

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