Unsolved Mysteries Allagash 4 Episode

Allagash abductions unsolved mysteries episode number. This is a great episode about UFO's. The Allagash four is a fascinating and scary story. I did hear that after all these years Chuck Rak changed his story, leading to some to believe that the whole "abduction" part of the story was made up. I don't know what to think. However, the way Unsolved Mysteries made this episode is excellent, and well worth watching. So many people are asking what number episode this is.

Truth is the series has been mixed up, so no one really knows what the original number of this episode is / was. The good news is, you can watch it here for free (that is the episode embedded above). And here it is titled as Season 7, Episode 21 by film rise, which could be the real episode number. Anyway, enjoy.

#Allagash4ufo #Canada #RobertStack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

them aliens are demons 100%

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