Satsumas Coated With Imazalil

Since my last post about pesticides on fruit I have been keeping my eyes peeled, pardon the pun. My last post [you can't even eat an orange anymore] was about this subject highlighted how the average Orange is now sprayed with imazalil. You can read that post here. Today, there is more bad news. It's not only Oranges that are sprayed with imazalil, but also Satsumas. Please be aware, most citrus fruits are now sprayed with pesticides, most of which are not only very hard to completely eradicate, but in small amounts also penetrate through to the actual pulp of the fruit itself.

Satsumas Coated With Imazalil-UK

The only reason I'm talking about Satsumas today is because I have recently got the proof firsthand from actually going into a shop (Sainsbury's) and purchasing Satsumas. I can confirm that they are coated with (E904, E914), Imazalil and Pyrimethanil. Enlarge the image above to get a closer look at the label for confirmation.

I find it quite sad, and very disappointing that so many big food outlets now use suppliers that apply these pesticides to fruits, as they are well known to be a danger to human health. These days I thinks its probably better, and safer to either buy organic or grow your own fruits and vegetables.

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