Boblov KJ21 1296p Reviewed By Police Officer

Interwire: BOBLOV WN9 1296p Bodycam UK: Sometimes, or a lot of the time when you hear of those brand names that no ones heard of before the products are usually trash. But with BOB...

This is quite a special review. How many times do you see a bodycam reviewed by a real Oklahoma police officer. Boblov reached out to Brandon and asked him to make an honest review video the Boblov KJ21 1296p. Brandon rates it very highly. He even shows some test footage of him actually using it at work on some police calls. Very interesting review. Check out the video below for the full breakdown.

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Boblov KJ21 1296p Review By LEO Tags / Search Terms:

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Boblov KJ21 1296p Reviewed By Law Enforcement

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bobi lovs you hehehe

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