Lockdown UK / Ireland: How Much Longer?

There's a good mix of people who believe the lockdown in the UK / Ireland has gone on for long enough now, and should end instantly. But there's also many people who are on the other side of the coin. They think the lockdown should continue, as it will help save lives and stop the spread of Coronavirus. However, the Government have promised to start lifting lockdown restrictions soon, and that certainly sounds great for those who have had enough and want to try and get back to some kind of normality.


Picture: Many wearing masks. Birmingham UK during the lockdown (2021). This area is usually jam packed with people. I feel sorry for the younger generations growing up in these times that may end up knowing nothing other than fear of everyone and everything.

But if we have learnt anything over the last year, we know that the Government have promised many things but have not delivered any of them. Bear in mind that this whole "stopping the spread" was meant to be just "3 weeks to flatten the curve". A year later and it's hard to look at this in any other way other than a constant string-along of fear mongering and broken promises that are being used to hide a sinister agenda.

Whatever side of the fence you are on, or whatever you believe this "pandemic" is about, would it surprise you to discover that the UK Government have just awarded a contract to an advertising company called Genesis Advertising worth 2 Million Pounds for a two year multi-media advertising campaign on Covid-19.

This two-year contract is due to start on the 1st April 2021, and finish in April 2023. Don't you find that a bit strange. If we are supposedly starting to get back to normal, then why would a campaign like this be needed for the next two years.

Some people theorize that this campaign is to serve as a reminder for the public to continue washing their hands, wearing masks etc when the lockdown starts to ease and the public are allowed to get together and socialise properly again. What, for two years? Really. If it was for 3 - 6 months I could see the relevance, but two full years.

I don't think so. No, I think this whole pre-planned pandemic is the first of many. This first one has been a conditioning / indoctrination process to prepare the public for a dystopian future of constant "pandemics" / biological fearmongering and vaccinations. Among other things. The new normal is based on fear, and ultimately, total control of everyone and everything. A globalist takeover.

ID 3351409

The notice for this advertising contract is called: ID 3351409 TEO - COVID Public Information Campaign. The address on the document is in Ireland, but the country states United Kingdom. However, the place of performance reads Northern Ireland, so this small in comparison marketing budget (when compared to the one for mainland UK) appears to be for Northern Ireland.

Wherever the campaign target, this is very concerning, and in my opinion clearly shows that the Goverments, or who controls them from behind the curtain, have no intention of ending these biological wargames anytime soon. The end date could be as far away as March 2025. And soon after that the new pandemic, called SPARS, will be the next biological / psychological assault on the public worldwide.


Anonymous said...

Yep. A never ending cycle of lies.

Anonymous said...

Useless boris and his baloon comb

Hyperreality said...

I posted this article (link) on Reddit (conspiracy theory subreddit) and it received some interesting comments. I was subsequently banned not long after. Talk about freedom of speech. lol.

Questioning the 2 year advertising campaign and why it would be needed if the virus / lockdown was supposedly coming to an end, the reply was:

"To make sure people take necessary precautions when they start intermingling more?"

I said: "For two years. lol. Yep, sounds legit."

He said: "It sounds about on course for a virus. Its usually taken a couple years for fast evolving viruses to stop killing off their hosts and becoming less of a concern to the public."

Below: My reply that wasn't allowed to be posted because I was banned:

Name 5. Along with proof of a continued 2-year marketing campaign soon after the virus is supposedly coming to an end. Thank you.

Reddit does not seem to allow open debate if it goes against what they, or the MODs of a subreddit believe is the truth. I guess they don't want people to become wise, think for themselves and question the narrative.

It's my opinion that some of the MODs, or users on the conspiracy theory subreddit are actually paid deceivers / shills / disinformation agents. Call them what you like. Put there for a specific reason, with an agenda to carry out.

It's common knowledge that this is done not only social media but on the Internet as a whole. They know how powerful the Internet, as well as social media is for moulding the minds and opinions of the masses. They are doing a good job on that subreddit of censoring or ridiculing anyone that might challenge them or their viewers to think outside the box.

They are victims of the system, and knowingly or unknowingly, they start working for the globalists, helping suppress opinions and evidence that should be acknowledged. Let the people decide if its credible or not.

Most of these people are the typical dumbed down regurgitators of well-known fake news and propaganda, and will believe whatever their news media, "fact checker" or Governments tell them to. Without questioning any of it of course.

This level of brainwashing, which is basically a lifetimes work, would take at least 5 years of deprogramming to eradicate, starting at the most basic level, then increasing in intensity at a very slow rate of speed. This reboot will question everything they ever believed was true, and many will have trouble letting go.

Challenging someones whole belief system can be quite a wake up call. Their ego and percieved intelligence can see many of the subjects reject what they are shown. Even when undeniable proof is presented.

In total denial, they will defend the Government sponsored belief system they know as their reality because the truth, or even a small dose of it, can be too much for them to handle.

They can't believe they weren't smart enough to figure this out. Like the old saying goes: It's easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled.

This is certainly the case with people who are totally asleep. Sometimes, if past the point of no return, no amount of evidence will convince them.

Sadly, or understandably, no one has the time or the patience to help them achieve a successful re-education, so they would have to do it themselves. For that reason it looks like they'll be stuck in the matrix forever, and as a result will be the true unknowing victims of its manipulation lies and devastation.

But then again, can any of us really fully escape it. But knowledge is power. It's a huge advantage to know who the enemy is, and what their goals are. An informed public can be a formidable foe to those who wish to divide, destroy and deceive the masses.

TR7 Triumph said...

I wonder how long it will take for the new uk lock down to kick in. Blamed on the african variant. I'm taking bets. I say in the next 3 weeks.

Anonymous said...

New tactic. It looks like Ad Council is paying content creators / influencers $$$ to take a 'Covid SELFIE' right at the moment they are getting their needle jab, and then share it on the internet. "Founding funders include Bank of America, Facebook, General Motors, Google, YouTube, the Humana Foundation, NBCUniversal/Comcast, Salesforce, Verizon, Walgreens and Walmart".

Anonymous said...

Looks like the ground work is being laid for the Indian variant to be headed to the UK... New lockdown imminent?

Seeline said...

Lockdown restrictions could be lifted as part of the plan to help spread the vaccine to the unvaccinated via the vaccinated unknowningly self-spreading it by touch, breath, saliva, and whatever else to the unvaxxed. Yes, that technology does exist.

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