As mentioned in a previous post [trailer included] about the film Remo Williams Unarmed and Dangerous [1985], there was a TV pilot made called The Prophecy. This was potentially going to become a TV series [ABC] based on the film [sequel], but it never officially made it to the screen. Actually, I think this pilot was aired but then rejected. Stopped after just this one episode. To be honest I can see why it never made it. It's interesting to watch today, in a B-movie kind of way, but its very cheesy, bland, and the dialogue seems quite mechanical. Watch the Pilot below.
However, Roddy MacDowell [the actor who is playing Chiun] is very close to the real Chiun [played by Joel Grey], in dialogue and appearance. Jeffery Meek doesn't fit the role at all. With another actor playing the role of Remo, and with a more solid storyline, this series could have had some potential. What do you think of it. Comment below.