So much so, that even on the same day it occurred, once over, it's already history in my own - life and times - adventure journey. One more experience to add to the many others. If it was meant to be I'll be working there, if it wasn't then I won't. Please don't take this to mean that I don't care about the jobs I'm going for. If I didn't want the job I wouldn't go for the interview in the first place. it's just my outlook on life.
When I was working. I loved those Dandelion Wishes
Strange things have been happening to me lately. Good things. A waking up, or heightened awareness so to speak. To say its been an eye opening experience is an understatement. Maybe its an age related thing, where you finally start to understand what and who is important in this world, and what and who is really controlling most of what we see and hear. But that's for another post. Back to work.
Have I become unemployable
How hard has it become to get a job that you could literally train a monkey to do. In my experience, it's now harder than ever before. The employers seem to think that these jobs are like gold dust, and you must be prepared to chop an arm off to work for them. However, the funny thing is, when you see some of the people who actually work there, they look like they've just come off the set of the film - The Hills Have Eyes.
Just think, those Hills Have Eyes looking "individuals", who can hardly string a sentence together, actually aced the interview and got the job. I find this absolutely crazy. Things seem to be very backwards lately. It's almost like they don't want people who can talk and have a decent vocabulary to work for them. Maybe that is the case for me, because the jobs I'm applying to, and getting interviews for, involve manual labour.
Even though I'm basically from the streets of Birmingham, brought up on a housing estate, I still have very good manners and a decent vocabulary. They probably listen to me talk and think, nah, he uses big words, he won't fit in, he's gonna alienate the Hills Have Eyesers. In one of my recent interviews, which was for a warehouse role at TNT in Nobel Way, Aston, Birmingham (UK), I messed up big time. I used the word Clarify.
As soon as I did, the TWO interviewers (Yes, two interviewers for a job moving boxes) both sat back that little bit further in their chairs and their faces were like, wow, you just blew it mate. I decrypted their facial expressions into word format, and they basically translated to: "Mate, what are you doing here. We're looking for illiterate knuckledraggers who can hardly speak, not people who have the capacity to do more than read a label and move a box". Damn, I've been busted.
Don't ring us, we'll ring you
To clarify (hahaha I had to), I didn't get the job. But you would have thought I did by the time the end of the interview came. One of the interviewers even said, yeah, I'm putting you first on the list, right at the top. Hmm. Don't you just hate fake people. I do. And that brings me to the meaning of this post. Job Interviews and no callbacks. Despite the promises, the great rapport in the interviews, laughing, getting along well etc, letting me know the outcome of the interview "Either way" via a phone call has become the fake people's method of secretly saying you haven't been successful. I find it all very amusing, but also rather sad on their part.
What happened to those salt of the earth people. You know, the ones who are honest and tell it like it is. You know, the ones who say, I'll call you tomorrow and let you know, and they actually call because they are people of their word, straight shooters. There are a few detrimental character traits that I really dislike in a person. Two of those are liars and people NOT of their word. I think this is because I am an honest man, a person of my word. If I say I'll meet you or phone you, I will 100% stick to what I said. So when I don't get the same treatment back it really annoys me.
Name and shame
I think it's about time to name and shame the companies that I have spent money travelling to, and gone out of my way for, only to be treated with a level of disrespect that I feel really lets these companies down. And speaks volumes about the people they employ. All companies mentioned in this post have one thing in common. They all have employees working for them who basically lie to visitors / potential employees. So, without further ado.
Already mentioned above: TNT, Nobel Way, Aston, Birmingham. Promised to put me at the top of the list and call me back within a week. Never happened. Thanks Benn (AKA Bulky Bullet). He reminded me of someone I used to know. His nickname was Bullet. Only Benn the interviewer was a bit more of a meat head. So I nicknamed him bulky bullet. Or another name that's just come to mind while typing this: Bullet the meat head. Much more fitting.
Clearabee, Hastingwood Industrial Park, Wood Lane, Birmingham B24 9QR. I specifically asked "When will you be letting people know if they were successful or not". The chirpy but as fake as they come Clearabee employee answered in no uncertain terms, you will be informed "Either Way" tomorrow on whether you got the job or not. Never happened.
Castle Doors Ltd, Unit 19, Ford Industrial Park, Dunlop Way, Birmingham B35 7AR. Again, the promise of "I'll let you know tomorrow Either Way" was never kept. Also, Lee, the interviewer, needs to work on his language skills. Fu**ing this and Fu**ing that. Swearing in an interview while in mid conversation is never a good thing. It instantly puts the professionalism of the company they represent into question. I don't care how down to earth or naturally himself he was trying to be. That's no way to conduct business let me tell you.
Actually, come to think of it, after writing this, maybe I don't want to work with a bunch of liars. Who knows what other undesirable character traits I would have been exposing myself to. -Interwire.