Stonebridge Quarry Closed By HS2

Sign: Stonebridge Quarry (Packington Estate) closed, or closing because of HS2. How do you [I] feel about HS2? I think its terrible. Going straight through a lot of countrysides and nature preserves, uprooting businesses, and even making people leave their homes and paying / offering them much less than what the house / property is worth, does not warrant a time saving of a few minutes to a few hours (max) when travelling some of the most populated UK commuter train journeys.


Such as London to Manchester, Birmingham to London etc. What a huge waste of money and time. Something tells me that the reason the HS2 contract was granted was because some people high up in the project somewhere, I don't know where, are going to make a lot of money from this deal. And its clear to see, because HS2 is going ahead, that they don't care who they have to trample on or displace to achieve their ridiculous goal. Anyway, I just wanted to update this blog with a picture of the Stonebridge Quarry sign that reminded me of HS2 due to the notice of closure on the lower left.

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